Oh my gosh!! This week has been so amazing in so many different ways. Remember a couple weeks ago when I asked for y'alls positive vibes for an interview I had? Well they must have worked because...
...I got the position! I'm beyond excited to announce that I'll be doing the Disney College Program this coming August until January! It feels so amazing to have a plan for at least the first few months post-graduation! Of course I'll continue to blog and bring y'all along on this awesome journey with me! I've wanted to do this since my Junior year of high school so I can't even believe that it's officially happening. Here's a little throwback of me on of the first times I visited Disney!
I also interviewed for another internship in Clemson that will last until this June and was accepted for that too! This week has been so full of blessings and I can't wipe the smile off my face. To top it all off tonight is my last sorority formal! I can't wait to get all dressed up and dance the night away with my sisters!
Sorry for the lack of a timely/blog relevant post today but I'm just so excited it's hard to think of anything else! Things will be back to normal come Monday. Hope y'all have joy filled weekends! xoxo
-Lanie W.
How To Wear: Fuzzy Sweater
Happy Wednesday y'all! For those of you who get the reference from the title of this post, you're awesome; for those who don't, go watch this video! Anyway, getting down to business- Yesterday Cosmo posted this article about fuzzy sweaters and I knew I had to write a post about them as well! I've seen them on Pinterest and the blogosphere, and fell in love with the look when I saw this photo of the lovely Lauren Conrad. The boxy style, short sleeves, and neutral color make the sweater's texture really pop as the focal point of the outfit- take a look!
A couple of weeks ago I did a Target run and while browsing through the sale section I was pleasantly surprised to find the cutest fuzzy sweater for... wait for it... $7.48!! Man, I just love good deals. The fact that it was a steal was especially perfect since textured sweaters are on trend for this year and it's almost spring. Win, win situation if you ask me! Here's a picture I snapped when wearing it the other day with my Old Navy Rockstar jeans and Jack Rogers loafters (ps: sorry about the smudgy mirror!)
Ah, I just love it. It's seriously the softest item of clothing I've ever owned! The texture really makes the neutral, classic color/pattern stand out in a way that I can't get enough of! I know it will be in heavy rotation this spring since it's so warm on its own that I don't have to wear a jacket with it! What is your go-to end of winter/early spring piece of clothing? Let me know! xoxo
-Lanie W.
Weekend Wistful
Hello ladies! Hope you all had nice and relaxing weekends, mine was just what I needed! Saturday Brandon and I drove up to Charlotte for the Foy Vance concert. It was held in the NoDa area which I had never been to before, but oh my gosh I fell in love! When we first got there we grabbed a coffee at Smelly Cat and then explored a bit. The area is full of cute, quirky shops and restaurants. There were so many people walking around and activity everywhere you looked! It was so adorable yet had a cool eclectic vibe at the same time.
I was so excited the weather was nice and I could wear my new white converse that I found at Target last weekend for an absolute steal ($17!). I know they'll be my go-to shoe this spring for sure!
We had dinner then headed over to the venue for the concert. It was so great!! Foy Vance is just an incredible musician, singer, and all around sweetheart. It was a pretty small venue so we were able to be super close to the stage and he was just adorable! Gotta love someone with an Irish accent!
The best part of the night however was that I finally got to meet my blog friend Emily of Cooper & Thames!! She lives about an hour and a half from me and we're both South Carolina girls so I knew we would get along perfectly! It was so great getting to meet her in person and being able to chat face to face rather than online! I definitely sense more meet-ups in the future!
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(You may have noticed that I changed my shoes in the photo above, but I was not about to wear white shoes to a dirty bar! haha) |
All in all it was a great weekend and I'm definitely ready to take this week by storm! xoxo
-Lanie W.
Liebster Love
It's Friday y'all. All I can say is thank goodness. My brain currently feels like a pile of mush due to school work combined with lack of sleep and I can't wait to take it easy for a couple of days! Earlier this week I was so touched and honored to receive a nomination for a Liebster Award from one of my sweet readers, Sydney of Doe Eyed Dreams! This award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers and is all about getting to know the face behind the blog a bit better. So without further ado, here we go!
11 [Random] Facts about myself:
1. I haven't had soda since I was 14
2. I was born downtown Charleston, SC
3. My family owns and operates a boutique winery
4. I have named every single one of my family's pets
5. I have an obscene collection of old magazines I can't bring myself to get rid of
6. I stick to an 85% Paleo diet
7. My younger brother is an insanely talented musician/singer - watching him preform makes me ridiculously proud
8. I am an obsessive Clemson Football fan
9. I'm graduating from college in August (eep!)
10. I used to be a cheerleader in middle/junior/high school and have danced my whole life
11. I am addicted to grapefruit- I eat one every single day
Sydney's Questions:
1. Who is your favorite pop princess? // Beyonce!
2. What social media platform are you absolutely addicted to? // Instagram
3. What stereotypical high school clique would you most likely associate with? // I cheered, so I guess the cheerleaders?
4. What's the first thing you notice about someone you meet? // Their attitude
5. What candy is the first thing to go in your shopping cart the minute there's a post Valentines Day sale? -- Dark chocolate.
6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? // Manhattan
7. Chick flicks or action movies? // Chick flicks for sure
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? // Hmm maybe make my natural hair color a bit lighter?
9. What's the coolest place you've ever been on vacation? // Barcelona!
10. What's your favorite brand of clothing? // J. Crew
11. What inspired you to start a blog? // I was in desperate need of a creative outlet!
My Questions:
1. Who is your favorite blogger?
2. What's your favorite broadway musical?
3. You can only use one makeup product - which do you choose?
4. If you were on Laguna Beach who would you be?
5. What food can you not get enough of?
6. What are you planning for your next big purchase?
7. Michael Kors or Kate Spade?
8. How did you meet your best friend?
9. What's your go-to drink? (If you're of age that is!)
10. Where do you hope to live in the future?
11. What song just screams summer to you?
I tag:
Basically, if you have less than 200 followers and want to participate I tag YOU! Feel free to join in and tell others that I nominated you :) #bloggerlove
I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend! I'm excited to make a mini road trip to Charlotte tomorrow to see one of my new favorite musicians, Foy Vance, in concert and finally meet my blog friend Emily! See y'all on Monday! xoxo
-Lanie W.
Target Treasures: D' Orsay Flats
Good morning sweet readers! If you've been following along with SPC for a while you'll remember that last May I freaked out when J. Crew named a shoe "The Lanie". Well, it happened again! I was browsing through the Target website last weekend and stumbled upon the Mossimo Lainey Flat! Okay, so it isn't spelled the exact way I spell my name, but it's close enough. The best part is that these flats are just gorgeous! I haven't joined in on the d'orsay trend yet, but these may be the perfect 'foot in the door' (pun intended) to try it!
I love their neutral color (they also come in black), and feminine lace-like pattern on the toe! They remind me of a pair of shoes from the spring/summer Tory Burch collection, but much, much more reasonably priced! (Ahem, $24!) Take a look!
I love their neutral color (they also come in black), and feminine lace-like pattern on the toe! They remind me of a pair of shoes from the spring/summer Tory Burch collection, but much, much more reasonably priced! (Ahem, $24!) Take a look!
Oh Target, how I love thee! I innocently popped in Saturday to kill some time before seeing a movie and found an adorable sweater for $7.48 and a pair of white converse for $17- major score! Have you found any great items from Target lately? Let me know!
-Lanie W.
Outfit Inspiration: Reese Witherspoon
If I haven't ever mentioned it before I'll just let y'all know now- I'm a big pop culture lover. I pretty much watch E! News every single night and am always browsing through Twitter catching up on the latest stories. One of my favorite things to do it look at celebrity street style! Some ladies just nail it with every look. A few of my top favorites that come to mind are Rachel Bilson, Alexa Chung, Olivia Palermo, and of course Reese Witherspoon.
Not many celebrities have truly preppy style, but Reese is in a league all her own. She continuously kills it and I'm always looking to her for classic style inspiration! I randomly stumbled upon these pictures last night and my heart stopped.Y'all... It's just perfection. Top to bottom this look is impeccable and it may be my favorite thing she's ever worn! It is completely classic and preppy with a girly chicness that I am dying over!
Not many celebrities have truly preppy style, but Reese is in a league all her own. She continuously kills it and I'm always looking to her for classic style inspiration! I randomly stumbled upon these pictures last night and my heart stopped.Y'all... It's just perfection. Top to bottom this look is impeccable and it may be my favorite thing she's ever worn! It is completely classic and preppy with a girly chicness that I am dying over!
Let's take inventory:
classic tortoise sunnies // hot pink sweater // navy patterned blouse // indigo skinnies // gold jewelry // navy pointy toe pumps // beautiful structured bag -- all kinds of YES.
Are y'all as much in love with Reese's style as I am? What's your favorite look she's ever worn? Hope y'all are having a happy start to your week! xoxo
-Lanie W.
How To Wear: Drop Waist
We made it to Friday y'all! My week has been a monotonous combination of school and snow. Even though classes were cancelled I've barely been able to leave my apartment since I've been so swamped with school work. I turned in three papers today, so it's safe to say I'm more than ready for a relaxing weekend! Thankfully today also happens to be Valentines Day and I have a wonderful date tonight with my favorite guy. I simply cannot wait to get dressed up, enjoy amazing food, and spend time with my person after being cooped up all week!
All this crazy winter weather has had me seriously dreaming of springtime. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to layer like a crazy person every time I go outdoors! I forget how nice it is to be able to throw on a cute dress and sandals! So simple, but so cute at the same time. I've been trying to get my dress game up for a while now, and while Pinteresting recently I began to notice that I was gravitating toward a style of dresses I've never liked before- the drop waist! Take a look-
All this crazy winter weather has had me seriously dreaming of springtime. I can't wait for the day that I don't have to layer like a crazy person every time I go outdoors! I forget how nice it is to be able to throw on a cute dress and sandals! So simple, but so cute at the same time. I've been trying to get my dress game up for a while now, and while Pinteresting recently I began to notice that I was gravitating toward a style of dresses I've never liked before- the drop waist! Take a look-
Here's how I would style it- super simple with fun, laid back accessories
Ah, spring. Come back soon! What do you think about the drop waist? I can't wait to give this silhouette a try! Hope y'all have a wonderful Valentines Day / weekend! xoxo
-Lanie W.
Valentines Day Style
Happy Wednesday y'all! Like I predicted it's a snow day for us here in upstate SC- we're expected to get up to a foot! It's so crazy sitting here looking out the window seeing pouring snow; I really can't believe this is happening in South Carolina!
To continue with our Valentines Day theme this week I thought I'd share a post I wrote for Modern Magnolias about what to wear on your date Friday. From formal to casual I've covered it all- go check it out here!
To continue with our Valentines Day theme this week I thought I'd share a post I wrote for Modern Magnolias about what to wear on your date Friday. From formal to casual I've covered it all- go check it out here!
To all my southern readers stay so safe in this weather! Prayers for all! xoxo
-Lanie W.
A Little Lovin'
Happy Monday! This week should be interesting for me! I'm super busy school wise with tests, papers, and homework, but I also have a BIG phone interview on Wednesday morning for a potential internship that I'd love your good vibes and prayers for! I'll share more information if things go well but I would so appreciate it if you keep me in your thoughts! The south is supposed to get another snowstorm tomorrow-Thursday so this girl probably won't have class. I'd love to say that I could spend that extra time relaxing or doing something fun, but odds are I'll be catching up on school stuff- such a glamorous life I lead ;)
I've done a "Musical Monday" post for the past few weeks, but I'm fresh out of musical inspiration this morning. Therefore I'm going a different direction- hope that's okay with y'all! Valentines Day is this Friday and whether you are spending it with a special someone or getting together with your girlfriends this holiday should be all about celebrating love. Sure that sound cheesy, but this is one of the few days of the year when cheesiness is both expected and celebrated. Send your Grandma a card, call your parents and thank them for raising you, tell your little brother you love him- just focus on spreading love and positivity rather than feeling down if you find yourself single. [Okay, rant over!]
I am a self-professed holiday nut. I love to go all out when it comes to decorating and celebrating, and so look forward to the day that I have my own house to cover in pretty holiday happiness. However, wearing a fully themed outfit seems like a bit much. When it comes to acknowledging holidays in my clothing I like to keep it subtle and add just a touch of whimsy to my everyday style. I've rounded up the best V-day accessories to put a little holiday pep in your step while still looking chic!
I've done a "Musical Monday" post for the past few weeks, but I'm fresh out of musical inspiration this morning. Therefore I'm going a different direction- hope that's okay with y'all! Valentines Day is this Friday and whether you are spending it with a special someone or getting together with your girlfriends this holiday should be all about celebrating love. Sure that sound cheesy, but this is one of the few days of the year when cheesiness is both expected and celebrated. Send your Grandma a card, call your parents and thank them for raising you, tell your little brother you love him- just focus on spreading love and positivity rather than feeling down if you find yourself single. [Okay, rant over!]
I am a self-professed holiday nut. I love to go all out when it comes to decorating and celebrating, and so look forward to the day that I have my own house to cover in pretty holiday happiness. However, wearing a fully themed outfit seems like a bit much. When it comes to acknowledging holidays in my clothing I like to keep it subtle and add just a touch of whimsy to my everyday style. I've rounded up the best V-day accessories to put a little holiday pep in your step while still looking chic!
Pink and gold are the height of femininity in my opinion, and exude the same lovey vibe that I get on Valentines each year. Which would you choose to spice up your holiday look? It's all just so pretty! Hope y'all have a great start to your week! xoxo
-Lanie W.
Shoe Heaven
While innocently scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning I was suddenly stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the new Tory Burch Shoe Guide. I'm sure I'm not the only girl who just adores Tory Burch. (actually, is there anyone who doesn't?) While her Reva flat is seen almost everywhere you look, some of my favorite TB items are her more subtle. I tend to gravitate to the shoes that don't have her oversize logo on the toe. While I love the Revas, the lack of the huge T emblem on the shoes in this collection makes them beautiful in an understand, timeless, and elegant way that I can't get enough of. Take a look at some of my favorites!
Can you tell I'm just dying over each and every one of these?! They're just so pretty. Which one is your favorite? Oh, if I had endless funds I would purchase a pair of each right now- Size 7 please :) I hope y'all have a lovely weekend! I'm looking forward to the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics tonight! Go USA! xoxo
-Lanie W.
I've blogged about buying a pair of loafters (here & here) multiple times, but still haven't gotten any! These are seriously perfect in every way and are now without a doubt the number one item on my wish list!
D'Orsay style flats are all the rage right now and I can't imagine a prettier version than these. Black and white is the ultimate classic color combination, and these would definitely never ever go out of style!
These sandals make me yearn for warm weather. I imagine wearing them with an airy white dress and straw fedora while strolling along the water!
Metallic, mod, and versatile- these heels make me swoon and wish I was wearing them with a pencil skirt and crisp blouse! These are the perfect day to night shoe- the outfit possibilities began to roll through my head as soon as I saw them!
-Lanie W.
Springy Stripes
I don't think it's a secret how much I love stripes. It is my favorite pattern and one of the easiest ways to look simultaneously put together and classic. While online shopping researching the newly released spring collections from my favorite stores last week I began to notice a common theme- stripes were everywhere! Obviously the 'nautical for spring' thing has been done a million times over (I immediately thought of one of my favorite lines from The Devil Wears Prada, "Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking.") but stripes are not a trend- they're a classic pattern that will simply never get old. Here's a round up of my favorite striped items for spring!
In love with it all. I am seriously eyeing that striped Lilly Pulitzer dress for my graduation in August! So classic and perfect. Any of these babies could fit right into my closet and I'm sure my other clothes would welcome them with open arms. ;) Ah, spring, how I long to see you again! Happy humpday! xoxo
-Lanie W.
Musical Monday: Take Three
It's February y'all, we made it through January and are officially on the downslide into spring! Unlike his northern counterpart our southern groundhog, General Beauregard Lee, did not see his shadow yesterday and has predicted an early spring - yippee!! With warmer weather on the brain I just had to do a musical monday post with the one artist who puts me in the summer mood- Mr. Jimmy Buffett! My Dad had a Buffett tape that he would play in his car when I was a kid and whenever I hear his music I'm immediately taken back to that simple time in my life. This song is one of my favorites- just close your eyes and listen and see if you don't feel like you're sitting on a warm, sandy beach with a drink in your hand!
So great, right? It inspired me to make this outfit which would be absolutely perfect for a warm day by the water. Oh, spring break you can't come soon enough!!
I hope y'all have a great Monday and that this song brings a little bit of sunshine to an otherwise dreary day! xoxo
-Lanie W.
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